Vol 1 Chapter 2: The Miracle’s Melancholy

“Judge men and appliances by their specs.”

This adage, known since ancient times, has finally been brought to light as the wisdom it truly is, thanks to none other than Michihara Miki-sama, that is, me—the miracle destined to stand alongside the great beauties of history.

Just like someone shopping for a new appliance wouldn’t pick an outdated model, a woman wouldn’t go for a guy with low specs. However, just as the poor can’t afford expensive appliances, it is impossible for ugly women to win over high-spec men. In other words, the rich don’t buy cheap appliances, and beautiful women don’t settle for low-spec men.

Yet how many low-spec appliances—I mean, low-grade, trashy men—come hitting on me without understanding such basic common sense? It’s a testament to the failure of basic education.

But unlike appliances, the world’s highest-spec man isn’t produced by manufacturers’ efforts.

I, Michihara Miki, the miraculous beauty, would settle for a man who barely meets the borderline of acceptable specs and still assert my superiority over everyone around me…or so I thought.


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